Friday, October 24, 2008

Poking Fun at the Presidency

So the presidency is coming up in a couple of days and there are a lot of mixed feelings. With all the political cartoons going around, I was able to find this hilarious parody. It stars Mr. Barack Obama, Mr. John McCain, Mrs. Sarah Palin, and some extra political figures. Enjoy and good luck to the candidates.


Blogging Free Software said...

it funny presidnt its very funny

James T. Brookins said...

Never thought "poking fun" was proper. The position of Presidency is to be respected. We may not like who is there this doesn't give us a right to belittle the office of the president.

Perhaps when we get back to showing respect to authority then those in authority might listen to our opinions.

My thoughts instead of "Poking Fun" Wouldn't it be better to Pray for those in leadership?

For good laughter "Poke Fun" at our selves instead.

God Bless You

Host of 1Little Birdy